In this course you will follow a unique 4- step process to:
- Get Out - the limiting beliefs that are blocking you form achieving your goals
- Get Loving- of yourself, feeling worthy, forgiving, honouring your boundaries and who you are
- Get Rid - of judgements, clutter, people and things that are stopping you from moving forwards
- Get Going - with your goals, gratitude, actions to achieve what you want in life
Hi! I'm Rana Al-Falaki, your ray of light!
I believe in balance in life. I myself struggled for over 30 years to find it, excelling in my career, but never having balance with my relationships, my health, or my financial status.
I would want for things, but not know how to get them and was in a constant cycle of repeating the same patterns and not getting to where I wanted to be.
I was an outsider looking in at the story I wanted to create but didn't know how to step into that life.
Well I found a way that has not only worked, but lasted! It has become part of me where I live an abundant, joyous, fulfilled and balanced life!
Having done it the hard way, I want to help you with the same easier, faster, more enjoyable and practical way to do it!
So if you want balance in your life - better health, better relationships, better lifestyle and career, better money; if you want to balance these, AND do it in a FUN and PRACTICAL way, then this is the course for you!
Course Curriculum
Module 1 : HEALTH
Our health is our wealth! When something goes wrong, it filters into every aspect of our lives. It affects how we feel about ourselves, our bodies, our relationships, our work life and our finances.
The Four Gets process aims to help you in engaging in health-positive behaviours long-term, and heal yourself.
When relationships are going well, we take them for granted, but when they cause us stress - be that a friend, a work colleague, a relative or a partner, then it can take over our thoughts and we feel powerless to fix it.
The Four Gets Process helps improve your relationships, getting you back to that stress-free feeling.
How many us feel trapped by our current careers to provide us with the lifestyle we want? How many of feel stress in our working day and powerless to change it?
The Four Gets Process as applied to career helps you shift t hose feelings to one of purpose and strength.
How many of us long for more money, but don't realise that it is precisely that longing that is stopping us! In order to lead a life of abundance, we need to BE abundant.
The Four Gets process helps you unleash those blocks and shift towards an abundant joyful life!
How Can I help you?
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